Archive for May, 2006

MIDI support in -current

I just committed the old-new midi code ftom tanimura and matk.Yuriy Tsibizov (of emu10kx fame) integrated it into current. I think it wil need a lot of work until it’s really mature, but as long as it isn’t in the tree, nearly nobody will have a look at it.

We need a maintainer for this!

I will [...]

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Since Roman wanted to create his linuxolator branch in perforce, I had to make myself familiar with perforce too, to be able to answer his questions. I learned my first steps in perforce by creating the sound branch (I’m mentoring Ryan together with Ariff). Creating the branch was not hard, but I managed to fail [...]

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The kernel subsystem API documentation generation framework.

I committed the kernel subsystem API documentation generation framework. It allows to generate the API documentation of a subsystem (with doxygen) just by adding a short config file (around 22 lines with comments and blank lines, maybe 14 lines without comments and blank lines). Here’s an example of such a config:

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Interesting Summer for FreeBSD

Now that we have (or “soon will have̶ an official FreeBSD blog, I decided to give this kind of electronic and public diary a try. At least to report the status and progress of some FreeBSD related projects I’m involved in.

A lot happened in the last days. We’re past the deadline of the Google [...]

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