I want to use a socket (mysql) in multiple jails. Using nullfs to mount it in each jail where you want to use it does not work (bug in nullfs?). Using a hardlink (if the jails reside on the same FS) works. I hope this info safes a little bit of time in case someone tries to do the same.

The hostname MySQL sees in such a connection is “localhost”. Maybe this is obvious to one or another, but because jails don’t have a it was not obvious to me.

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2 Responses to “Hint: using sockets across jails”  

  1. 1 Martin

    I use unix2tcp (http://ahriman.bucharest.roedu.net/unix2tcp/) to use sockets in different file systems.
    Using TCP certainly causes overhead, but IMO it is worth it since you can use the different IPs/hostnames for MySQL access control.

  2. 2 netchild


    what’s the benefit of using unix2tcp instead of the MySQL build-in TCP support?


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