Progress in the linuxulator

On of the major showstopper bugs in the linux 2.6 emulation is that acroread does not work. Now we have patches (proof of concept by Intron, refined patch by Kib) for it. I didn’t had time to test it yet (mind you, everyone else is not able to run acroread with 2.6, I’m able to run it at least with some files or no file at all), but I want to do an extensive test (I know several ways of killing it with 2.6).

If everything goes well and no other showstopper bug appears, we may be able to request more extensive testing of the 2.6 emulation, at least on i386. First this should be done by asking people to switch, and maybe after a week by switching the default emulation to 2.6 in -current (at least for a while).

This is specially important as the Fedora Legacy project announced that they will abandon support for FC4. FC5+ is not able to run on a 2.4 kernel.

And while I’m at it: I submitted the status report for the linuxulator. It contains some nice statistic about the number of fixed bugs (comparing 6.2 and -current). No, I will not tell you in advance, you have to wait some days until the report shows up. :-P

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