Archive for September, 2006

Finally I used some free time to commit the VIA Envy24HT driver of Konstantin Dimitrov to -current. He told me it supports some soundcards which ALSA doesn’t support. Nice!

Please test and say “Thank you!” to him.

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I started a wiki page about improving the soundsystem. The idea is similar to the wiki page about improving our linuxolator. It’s a way to tell the people what is currently available as patches (and where), what is broken and needs to be fixed, which improvements we like to see and so on. It’s maybe [...]

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I committed the stuff from the sound project just a few minutes ago. So the SoC 2006 has officially ended for me (I just wait for the T-Shirt now… ).

This doesn’t mean I don’t care about the stuff anymore. I will commit fixes in case problems show up and I’m also responsible in case [...]

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A weekend with linux tests

I did spend the weekend with various test of the linuxolator.

First testing the remaining patches from the SoC from Roman with realplayer and acroread. The patches changed nothing in the tests, but they fixed some bugs nevertless.

After that I committed some stuff from submissions (aio from Intron and SO_PEERCRED from Marcin Cieslak) to p4 (available [...]

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