A weekend with linux tests

I did spend the weekend with various test of the linuxolator.

First testing the remaining patches from the SoC from Roman with realplayer and acroread. The patches changed nothing in the tests, but they fixed some bugs nevertless.

After that I committed some stuff from submissions (aio from Intron and SO_PEERCRED from Marcin Cieslak) to p4 (available as diffs, follow the URL below).

The remaining time was spend with the Linux Test Project testsuite (this stuff is great to have, anyone out there with interest in adopting the tests for our regression test suite?). The result can be seen at the wiki. There I listed which tests pass and which fail, list some open PRs with comments and there’s a TODO list. Marcin already fixed a bug which resulted in a lot of failures but only because it affected the cleanup phase of a lot of tests (the current list reflects the status with his patch applied to current).

Interested parties are welcome to help out with fixing/categorizing the real failures.

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