I’m busy with non-FreeBSD related stuff since a while, so there’s not much to say.

RealPlayer: Shaun, the FreeBSD maintainer of the helixplayer port, promised to polish up a patchset when he gets time to port helixplayer to a more recent version and send it to the corresponding helix community (requested by some people at Real after showing them the patches via cvsweb). Their review and integration of this stuff will help in getting a RealPlayer binary from Real.

Sound: The work of Ariff (and every other contributor) in the HDA area seems to be very appreciated. There are aven voices asking for a MFC. I don’t think we will get it for 6.2. It’s too late in the release process and Ariff seems to be busy.

Sound2: Ryan committed a fix to P4 which should provide some missing stuff to some breaking ports. If someone has time to commit it…

Linux: A lot of progress happened here. The longstanding major bug on amd64 is fixed and MFCed (thanks to kib!), so we finally got some results for the amd64 runs of the LTP testcases (now color coded to spot problems much faster). The status of the stable run is already on the wiki page (but this is without the MFC). Runs on current (2.4.2 and 2.6.16 based emulation) and stable after the MFC where already done, but I didn’t got time to wiki-fy their status yet.

Ports: I already have an update for my sylpheed-claws port to 2.6.0 together with a move to LOCALBASE (including the plugin ports) available, but I have to wait until the ports-slush is lifted.

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One Response to “Short status: RealPlayer, Sound, Linux, …”  

  1. 1 Arab

    Great news about FreeBSD! :)

    Alot of Arabs using RealPlayer more than windows media player, so for sure it’s good news for them!

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