Archive for the 'SoC 2006' Category

I committed the stuff from the sound project just a few minutes ago. So the SoC 2006 has officially ended for me (I just wait for the T-Shirt now… ).

This doesn’t mean I don’t care about the stuff anymore. I will commit fixes in case problems show up and I’m also responsible in case [...]

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I committed most of Romans work in the linuxolator to current. The new syscalls aren’t used until you run
sysctl compat.linux.osrelease=2.6.16
to switch back (after exiting all linux programs) you just have to run
sysctl compat.linux.osrelease=2.4.2
But you have to do this on i386. Amd64 support is not complete (and besides this, amd64 is still broken and nobody provided [...]

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linuxolator day

A happy welcome to Boris Samorodov to the ports committers team (I’m his mentor). This means I don’t have the burden to take care of the linuxolator infrastructure in the Ports Collection alone anymore. Yeah!

Today I committed another part of Roman’s work in the linuxolator SoC. Now we should get log messages for the new [...]

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I just removed the COMPAT_43 option from the GENERIC kernel in current. This may result in increased performance for some workloads.

In the last days I also “mentored” a little bit my SoC students. Reviewing some changes, suggesting some imrovements, committing some stuff which is ready, discussing various things and so on.

And last but not least, [...]

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The last week has seen some bikesheds. One of them was my commit of the doxygen infrastructure for the kernel subsystems. Some people don’t like the way doxygen requires some markup tags in the comments, some people don’t think such API docs provide additional value and some people fear that 3rd party developers may use [...]

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Since Roman wanted to create his linuxolator branch in perforce, I had to make myself familiar with perforce too, to be able to answer his questions. I learned my first steps in perforce by creating the sound branch (I’m mentoring Ryan together with Ariff). Creating the branch was not hard, but I managed to fail [...]

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Interesting Summer for FreeBSD

Now that we have (or “soon will have̶ an official FreeBSD blog, I decided to give this kind of electronic and public diary a try. At least to report the status and progress of some FreeBSD related projects I’m involved in.

A lot happened in the last days. We’re past the deadline of the Google [...]

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