6.2-RELEASE underway

(A little belatedly.)

I committed the first public draft of the 6.2 schedule to the www/ tree this morning. It’s not completed yet because we need to fill in doc/ and ports/ related items. Some of those are still being discussed. I almost could have filled in the doc items because doc tree slushes tend to be fairly informal, but wanted to DTRT and let doceng@ have their say.

It’s good to be working on releng stuff again (I approved my first two MFCs in over two years this week). I’ve been updating release notes a bit at a time (I tend to work on these in chunks of about 20-30 minutes or so).

The Web site has changed a bit (slight understatement) since I last had to deal with it; a bunch of files moved around and there are a lot more knobs than two years ago. Still it seems like it’s easier to make the changes we need to do around release-time and all of these knobs let us do them in a consistent way (so for example all of the release numbers change consistently throughout the site). simon@ gave me some good info on Web site building infrastructure.

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