6.2 Branching Complete
kensmith@ created the RELENG_6_2 release branch today. This is the codeline that re@ will be using to finalize 6.2-RELEASE. All of the release candidate builds, as well as the final release, will come from this codeline, and after 6.2-RELEASE, we’ll turn over control of this branch to the security officer team. They’ll then use it as a security fix / errata branch.
I was reminded today of how difficult it is to multitask well (in human terms)...basically I broke the release notes build by trying to give advice to kensmith@ and pay attention to a meeting at the same time. Bad Bruce, no cookie.
The 6.2-RC1 build should be happening soon (probably would have been sooner if not for the aforementioned breakage). It’ll have the latest round of fixes for em(4), and a number of other bugfixes and stability enhacnements. There are still a few more MFCs pending that will happen after this build, but the plan is that what’s on RELENG_6_2 now will be fairly close to what we ship.
Followers of FreeBSD events might know that a physical relocation of many of the main FreeBSD.org machines will happen this Friday. I wonder how many committers will be going into withdrawal as machines go off-line during the move.