Archive for November, 2006

Old Testbed

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006

All the old bits and pieces have resulted in two more computers. The boot disk, a 428 MB IDE was my old testbed system disk. It still works. Unfortunately /usr is gone but a 9 GB full hight SCSI still has a FreeBSD UFS filesystem on it. That drive was retired about two years ago. Till on the floor are a 120 MHz Pentium and an old 33 MHz 486.

The left over parts and some stuff my ex-wife left here will be disposed of this week.

My First Blog

Sunday, November 12th, 2006

So very much going on but where to start. My current projects are:

  • Commit fwbuilder upgrade

  • Pending my investigation of what happened to the Enterprise Audit Shell, the author is a bit cagey about some legal issue, use the last open source version as a basis for a FreeBSD port

  • Work the myriad of screen issues

  • Upgrade my server system from it’s current 1.8GHz P4 to something more powerful and use the 1.8 GHz processor in my firewall.

  • Clean up the four obsolete systems lying here on the floor, a 33 MHz 486, 120 MHz 586, 133 MHz 586, 333 MHz P II, and a 730 MHz P III. Soon to be retired might be one 750 MHz AMD Athalon and maybe two 933 MHz P III’s, I haven’t decided yet about these. At least the new main server and new testbed can build ports and src a lot faster, though the firewall is now a little overpowered for what it does, but that’s OK.

  • Other than that the knee injury is healing and the other issue in my life was just resolved yesterday. Work on the book is proceeding.