I was trying to make mplayer play wmv video on my amd64 and found the interesting topic on ubuntuforums: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140565&page=3. It has some instruction how to patch the ubuntu package and has a patch attached as well (the original author of the patch is jserv).

So, here’s a quick guide how to patch your mplayer port:

  1. fetch http://people.freebsd.org/~novel/files/mplayer-wmv3.diff.gz (you need to register on ubuntu forums to fetch the patch so I decided to upload it on my site)
  2. gunzip mplayer-wmv3.diff.gz
  3. cd /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer && make patch
  4. cd work/MPlayer-1.0pre8 && patch -p1 < /patch/to/mplayerwmv3.diff
  5. make install clean

You should be able to playback wmv videos after that (and you don’t need win32codes, etc). However, it doesn’t work with WMV9.

Kategorie: ports     

2 Kommentare zu “how to teach multimedia/mplayer to play wmv video on amd64”  

  1. 1 Jung-uk Kim

    If you build MPlayer from its SVN trunk, you get it for free and it is faster:


    I tested it on my AMD64 and it works great.

    It was done by Kostyantin Sergiyovich Shishkov as a part of Google SoC 2006:



    Jung-uk Kim

  2. 2 novel

    Sweet! Though I’m a bit lazy to install software out of the ports tree. :-)

    Let’s wait for a new MPlayer release.

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