I was trying to make mplayer play wmv video on my amd64 and found the interesting topic on ubuntuforums: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140565&page=3. It has some instruction how to patch the ubuntu package and has a patch attached as well (the original author of the patch is jserv).
So, here’s a quick guide how to patch your mplayer port:
- fetch http://people.freebsd.org/~novel/files/mplayer-wmv3.diff.gz (you need to register on ubuntu forums to fetch the patch so I decided to upload it on my site)
- gunzip mplayer-wmv3.diff.gz
- cd /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer && make patch
- cd work/MPlayer-1.0pre8 && patch -p1 < /patch/to/mplayerwmv3.diff
- make install clean
You should be able to playback wmv videos after that (and you don’t need win32codes, etc). However, it doesn’t work with WMV9.
If you build MPlayer from its SVN trunk, you get it for free and it is faster:
I tested it on my AMD64 and it works great.
It was done by Kostyantin Sergiyovich Shishkov as a part of Google SoC 2006:
Jung-uk Kim
Sweet! Though I’m a bit lazy to install software out of the ports tree. :-)
Let’s wait for a new MPlayer release.