Archive for the 'src' Category

libmytinfo is gone and few ports are broken

Friday, February 2nd, 2007

As requested by ache@, I removed them. The real libmytinfo exists in 3.x and below. After that, it is only a link and libncurses has its functionality. I just got krismail about 1x ports are broken. I fix 4 of them and I don’t think the rest are really broken (they only checks libmytinfo in configure). I’m building a new HEAD jail in my tinderbox, so I can test them.

I should really go to bed (it’s 5am here). :)

Now I’m punished again

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

Half hours ago, I received a mail from core-secretary@ about my src bit. Now I’m punished again for my recent ncurses work. I would like to thank delphij@ again for mentoring me (again). Hope my collection of pointyhats will not grow too fast.

ncurses wide character support

Sunday, January 28th, 2007

Today, I spent some time to get wide character support in base’s ncurses. Basically, most work were some six months ago. I managed to get lib32 build work by defining WORLD32 in ${LIB32MAKE} and do not set ${INCS} if WORLD32 is defined. So, it looks like

.if !defined(WORLD32)
INCSLINKS= curses.h ${INCLUDEDIR}/ncurses.h

I’m still running a make universe to make sure everything work. At least, amd64+lib32 and i386 build fine. On my i386 current, mutt works flawlessly with ncursesw. I will post the patch to -current once make universe is finished.

ncurses is finally updated

Saturday, January 20th, 2007

After almost four years, the base’s ncurses is finally updated to 5.6 which is released last Dec. This work starts half year ago and restarted few weeks ago. I would like to thank everyone who helped me to do this update, especially delphij@ (reviewing patch and src commit approval) and kris@ (an exp run on pointyhat).

This is my first src commit and there are few errors: I accidentally import bash.core (but cvs automatically ignores it. Thanks God!), a typo, and I forget to do a force commit before removing old ncurses build glue. Well, the best thing is buildworld is ok and the ncurses is updated.

So, the next step is to enable wide character support and merge ncurses 5.6 into RELENG_6.